- Teacher: James Barnes
- Teacher: Andrew Zito
Moodle 4.x
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let's see if I can do this
- Teacher: Christine Atkins
- Teacher: Nick Fury
Test course for CLAMP work
- Teacher: Thor Odinson
Exploration rovers on Mars, plant sensing, paranormal investigators, landmine-sniffing rats. Machines, plants, and other animals are increasingly enlisted as participants or collaborators in human sensory perception. In this course we ask how do we sense in extraordinary ways?
- Teacher: Nick Fury
- Teacher: Sharon Strauss
- Teacher: Jason Alley
- Teacher: Chris Shine
Noun, a grizzled thickset marmot (Marmota monax) chiefly of Alaska, Canada, and the northeastern U.S.
called also groundhog
- Teacher: Bruce Banner
- Teacher: Peter Parker
- Teacher: Carly Born
- Teacher: Steve Rogers
I am just testing Moodle. Not much to see here.
- Teacher: Leslie Harris
- Teacher: Jason Alley
- Teacher: Bruce Banner
- Teacher: Greta Bergstresser
- Teacher: Jason Alley
- Teacher: Chelsea Emrick
- Teacher: Admin User
- Teacher: Charles Fulton
This course is an introduction to Back to the Future. If you couldn't determine the topic of the course based on the name, grab a helmet and strap in... life is going to be a bumpy ride.
- Teacher: Bruce Banner